Instructions to preserve environment
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20 ways to help the environment
10 ways to protect the environment
12 ways you can protect the environment · 1. Consume less. · 2. Compost. · 3. Choose reusable over single-use. · 4. Upcycle more. · 5. Recycle properly. · 6. Shop 20 Amazing Ways to Help Protect the Environment · 1: Plant Trees · 2: Conserve water · 3: Limit Car Use · 4: Minimize Food Wastage · 5: Switch off · 6: Reduce food 10 easy ways you can help our environment · Record the wildlife near you. · Re-use and Recycle. · Reduce your carbon footprint. · Avoid peat-based composts. · PlantThere are so many ways to help the environment at home. From taking the time to turn off lights, or setting the thermostat a few degrees lower 10 Steps You Can Take to Protect the Environment Today · 1. Bring your own bags. · 2. Grow your own food. · 3. Spend time in your garden. · 4. Cut down on your
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