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Date[New York] : UN, Dept. of Operational Support, Office of Supply Change Management, Procurement Division, 30 Sept. 2019. Description. The HLCM-UNDG Harmonized Guidelines for Common United Nations Procurement at UNFPA is recognized as the lead UN agency for procurement of contraceptive. Constraints on e-procurement in the United Nations system. guidelines into a generic system-wide policy and procedures manual to serve as a benchmarkThe UN Procurement Practitioner's Handbook (PPH) is a procurement reference document and provides guidance in best procurement practices, processes and The Procurement Manual is intended to provide operational guidance on procurement policies and procedures to all staff members involved in the various stages of Using procurement services of other UN entities including joint procurement units The Procurement Manual details UNOPS procurement instructions, reference, referred to as the 'Guidelines' throughout the rest of the document) is to sup- port procurement cooperation among organizations of the United
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