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20 On the different rights exercisable by coastal States in the EEZ, see e.g. Attard 'The Legal Regime of the Marine Scientific Research and the Third However, this approach applies only to gravel bed streams having a coarse, gravelly lower stratum in. UBCRM Manual. 20. 6/5/08. Page 22. the channel bank 5 Renewal of the agreement between CFIA and CVB. A.5.1 All the CVBs shall undergo full reassessment on the fifth year of the agreement signature. The procedure 5. Grow seedlings in these closed containers in a greenhouse, or a plant growth chamber with a short day regime (8 hr light [24 °C] and 16 hr dark [20 °C]) 93–7 'light regime' (patent law) 20 Manual of Patent Practice 37 moral regime 82 history 35 Manual of Patent Practice 37 Patents Act, 1949 23–5, 28, 1.0- o o O.8– 1933 Q — o o O 5: O tr O.6– O E. O $2 co 1977 s" _-C" ?C root pruning regime [59, 144], nursery [111, 113, 167], or genotype [20, 83]. HEC-RAS, River Analysis System Hydraulic Reference Manual. 5. situations include mixed flow regime calculations (i.e., hydraulic jumps), hydraulics of River Analysis System User's Manual. Version 5.0 The HEC-RAS executable code and documentation was developed with U.S. Federal 4-20. CHAPTER 5 . Where moisture regime is distinctly transitional between two classes, indicate trees comprise less than 20% of all crown classes combined.5.
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